Manassas Museum has undergone an extensive renovation and reopens July 29, 2023. Please visit to find out more and visit Echoes, the Manassas Museum Store inside the museum (temporary located inside the Historic Railway Depot, 9431 West Street).
The region's storied past is preserved through award-winning video, permanent and changing exhibits, and special programming events.
Admission is free, and opening hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. The museum is closed on all federal holidays. Bus parking is available.
Located on eight acres, the museum opened in 1991 and is handicap accessible. Permanent and temporary historical exhibits interpret Northern Virginia Piedmont history through artifacts, documents, and images. Exhibits show settlement of the region, Native American history, and the impact of the Civil War on the community.
2017 Museum Exhibits: bearing-witness-to-history-manassas-veterans-and-the-wars-in-iraq-and-afghanistan for instances. Bearing Witness to History: Manassas Veterans and the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan from September 11, 2016 - February 19, 2017
March 3 - April 16 museum-exhibit-tailor-made-vintage-fashions-from-the-museums-collection-unveiled
Tailor-Made: Vintage Fashions from the Museum's Collection Unveiled May 12 - September 24